The Cost of Beauty
In “The Evolution of Beauty”, Richard O. Prum argues that many of the ornaments present in animals need not have an adaptationist purpose (as is the common held belief), but can be the result of the aesthetic choice of the females.
This web app is inspired by that idea. It creates a set of male and female Things that can mate and reproduce.
Males try to seduce females, and females select the most attractive male. Males have to catch up to the females (before they die) in order to reproduce.

Musical Aquarium
I created this website as an experiment to learn p5.js. It creates programmatic “music” based on the interaction oof the fish you create.
You create fish by clicking anywhere on the screen. The x-axis of the position where you click determines the pitch (taken from the D minor pentatonic scale), while the length of the click determines the size and the speed of the fish.
Whenever the fish bump into each other they “sing” and move away. Enjoy!

JiDiJi: An Experiment in Musical Representation
I made this website to convert between music and colours. Read below for details!
Music can be represented in various forms: as a series of sounds, as a score, as tabs (for guitar), as a series of chord names, as MIDI, as a NoteSequence protocol buffer, and more.
I stumbled upon the Solresol language recently, as well as upon this talk by Adam Neely, and realized that you can also represent music as colours.